Co-Parenting Disputes About Kids Staying Home Alone

If you and your ex-spouse never disagreed, she would not be your ex. Now that you are divorced, your court-ordered parenting plan is supposed to keep the peace. It sets guidelines for deciding about children’s medical care and education, but it puts you in a good position to stay out of each other’s business when it comes to day-to-day details of parenting. It is always infuriating when your children come home and tell you about all the fun things they did at your ex’s house, things they know they are not supposed to do when they are with you. It is even worse when your ex calls you and raises a stink about something the children did at your house that your ex thinks is dangerous. The family law courts are not in the business of deciding when it is reasonable for kids to swim in a lake or ride an ATV, but it will grant requests to modify parenting plans if one parent persuades the court that the other parent does not provide adequate supervision for the children, thereby exposing them to a substantial risk of danger. If you and your ex-spouse are at odds over the issue of children staying home alone, contact a Birmingham child custody lawyer.
When Can Kids Stay Home Alone in Alabama?
Alabama law does not have a hard and fast rule about how old kids must be in order to stay home alone for what period of time. You know your children better than anyone else does. Children younger than nine should not stay home alone even for a short time. Do not leave your kids home alone for more than an hour until they have gotten used to staying home alone for shorter periods. Make sure they know how to contact you and how to respond to various situations that can arise. If your kids call you when they are home alone at your ex’s house, and you do not feel comfortable with them staying home alone, you should talk to your ex about it first before getting your lawyers involved.
What Should You Do If Your Ex-Spouse Accuses You of Child Neglect?
Your ex has the right to petition the court to modify your parenting plan and reduce your parenting time if you do not provide adequate supervision when the children are with you. If your spouse takes you back to court, alleging that you are not keeping your children safe or supervising them adequately, the judge will not make any decisions before giving you a chance to tell your side of the story. Your lawyer can help you keep a parenting plan that gives you adequate time with your children.
Contact Peeples Law About Modifying Parenting Plans
A Birmingham family law attorney can help you modify your parenting plan or resist your ex-spouse’s efforts to modify a parenting plan that is working well for you. Contact Peeples Law today to schedule a consultation.