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Category Archives: Child Custody


3 Summer Co-Parenting Stress Traps And How To Avoid Them

By Peeples Law |

Since the beginning of the modern school calendar, kids have spent the whole year looking forward to summer vacation, and parents have dreaded it.  Having to arrange childcare when your children are out of school but your work responsibilities continue unabated is no simple task.  Summer travel is a drain on your finances, and… Read More »

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Can Grandparents Get Court-Ordered Visitation In Alabama?

By Peeples Law |

At first glance, Alabama looks like a paradise for multi-generational families.  It is nothing unusual to see three or even four generations of a family shopping together in the supermarket.  Many Alabamans live in the same area where their grandparents’ grandparents are born, and their families are always nearby to share companionship, responsibilities, bulk… Read More »

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What Can Go Wrong With A Week By Week Parenting Rotation?

By Peeples Law |

Sharing parenting time equally with your ex-spouse is an admirable goal, but it is hard to make it work in practice.  Some parents rotate custody week by week, where the children spend one week with Mom followed by one week with Dad, and the cycle repeats until the children reach adulthood, at least in… Read More »

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Can A Parenting Plan Separate Siblings?

By Peeples Law |

Parenting plans come in all shapes and sizes.  In some families, the parenting time is shared so close to equally that neither parent has 200 overnights with the children in a given year.  Some families are able to make infant-friendly time sharing schedules, such as 2-2-3-2-2-3 schedules or rotating parenting time on a weekly… Read More »

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Common Co-Parenting Mistakes And How To Fix Them

By Peeples Law |

Raising children is one of life’s great challenges, even though it is also one of the most rewarding and meaningful experiences you can have.  If you get divorced while your children are minors, it can throw your parenting routines into disarray.  You might feel like you have to start from zero when it comes… Read More »

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How To Reduce Co-Parenting Stress During The Holidays

By Peeples Law |

Married folks start panicking about the holidays once the pumpkin pie ingredients appear on the first display you see when you enter the supermarket; cooking a holiday dinner for your in-laws and whoever they decide to invite at the last minute is enough to scare those with even the mildest case of commitment phobia… Read More »

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Is 50/50 Timesharing Overrated?

By Peeples Law |

Across the border in Florida, a new law recently went into effect, whereby the family law courts must assume that 50/50 timesharing is in the child’s best interest; in cases where courts decide about parenting plans because the parents are at an impasse, the courts must take the equal division of parenting time as… Read More »

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On Back-To-School Co-Parenting Stress

By Peeples Law |

The countdown to the school year is plenty stressful for kids.  They are in no hurry to give up their late nights and lazy mornings, nor their aquatic lifestyle and virtually unlimited screen time.  Riding the school bus at 8:00 in the morning is a bummer compared to driving a golf cart at 10:00… Read More »

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Which Time Sharing Schedule Is Best For Your Family?

By Peeples Law |

Some parts of divorce are easier to adjust to than others, even if you have children.  As hard as it can be to co-parent with your ex and see her take that same passive aggressive tone with them that she used to take with you during your marriage, you must admit that it is… Read More »

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Another School Year, Another Back-To-School Parenting Challenge?

By Peeples Law |

It seems like summer has just started, and from an astronomical perspective, it has.  Summer vacation goes by quickly, and although your children might be in denial about this fact, a new school year is just around the corner.  Many parents and kids regard the last day of summer vacation, before the new school… Read More »

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