Why It Is Worthwhile To Finalize Your Divorce In Mediation

When you summon the courage to file for divorce, you might go into it with the mindset that you are ready to fight to win. You imagine the judge awarding you possession of the marital home and paying your ex a lump sum for the refinance, so that you never half to think about your ex again, except when it comes to co-parenting. Your first consultation with a divorce lawyer may yield a few surprises, which might be unwelcome at first, but as time goes on, you will find that your lawyer’s suggested course of action will make your divorce easier and less expensive. Divorce mediation is the most likely course of action for your divorce, and while it is not anyone’s idea of a good time, it is painless compared to going to trial. If you are ready to move past the focus on winning and losing and concentrate on remaining financially secure after your divorce becomes final, contact a Birmingham divorce lawyer.
Divorce Trials Are Expensive, and You Might Have to Pay for the Whole Thing
Just as trials are the exception rather than the rule and personal injury lawsuits, most divorce cases result in the couple reaching a settlement during mediation, rather than the case going to trial. The court orders mediation as a prerequisite to trial, and it will only schedule a trial after the parties have failed to reach a settlement after a sincere effort to do so.
If your case goes to trial, the judge is the one who decides which marital property, marital debts, and parenting time you get, not you. This means that the court could order you to pay every penny of alimony your spouse asked for, whereas with enough diligence, you might have been able to convince your spouse to agree to a lower amount during mediation. Furthermore, the court can order you to pay your attorney’s fees in addition to your spouse’s attorney’s fees, whereas if you had stayed the course in mediation, you and your spouse might have agreed each to be responsible for your own attorney’s fees.
Arguing With Your Divorce Lawyer Is Less Stressful Than Arguing With Your Spouse
People sometimes view divorce mediation with trepidation because they dread the idea of negotiating with their spouse; if it were so easy to get along with their spouse, they would not be getting a divorce. Divorce mediation does not mean shutting the two spouses in an empty room together until they realize that they want to stay together, after all. In fact, successful mediation is possible even in high conflict divorces. If you can’t stand to talk to your spouse, then don’t. Instead, let your lawyer do the talking. It is less stressful to brainstorm, negotiate, and argue with your lawyer than with your spouse.
Contact Peeples Law About High Conflict Divorce Without Trial
A Birmingham family law attorney can help you get through divorce mediation successfully in a high conflict divorce. Contact Peeples Law today to schedule a consultation.