Are You Ready For Divorce Monday?

Can you believe that 2022 is almost over? Time has started to fly again like it did before the pandemic lockdowns, and now the news headlines about Divorce Monday are starting to appear again. As everyone knows (with the possible exception of happily married and happily single people), Divorce Monday is the first business Monday of the year, and it is the day that courts receive more divorce petitions and family law attorneys receive more inquiries from prospective clients than any other day of the year. The main reason that people prefer to file for divorce at the beginning of the year is to make a clear separation between tax years; in 2021, you were married, and in 2022, you were going through a divorce. Therefore, only a fraction of the couples who file for divorce on Divorce Monday are planning to start off the year by surprising their spouse with divorce papers; in many cases, the couple has been planning for months to separate, and some couples are already living separately by the time they file the divorce petition. Divorce Monday works best if you plan ahead, so if you are getting started on your Divorce Monday plans, contact a Birmingham divorce lawyer.
Preparing for Divorce Monday Could Be the Key to an Amicable Divorce
If you and your spouse seem to fight about everything, then agreeing to divorce can be a relief for both of you. Divorce Monday can be something to look forward to for both of you. Since no one will be surprised by the divorce papers, you will have time to think about what each of you want from the divorce. Although your marital and separate property may be a drop in the bucket compared to what Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady own, you may be able to borrow a page from their playbook and have an uncontested divorce, where you and your spouse agree between yourselves about all the terms of your divorce, and the judge just has to sign to make it official. On an even more aspirational note, the relatively distant date for filing your divorce petition might even enable you to resolve your differences, like the main characters of Locked Down, who had to delay their breakup because of the pandemic.
Divorce Monday Can Help You Focus on Your Hopes for Life as a Newly Single Person
You can probably tell whether you have a good chance at an amicable divorce. Working as a team with your spouse to plan for Divorce Monday is a feasible option if you are two well-meaning people who have realized that you are incompatible with each other. If your spouse has followed a scorched earth policy during your marriage, then your divorce is probably going to be a battle, no matter how much you dread conflict. In that case, your planning partner should be your divorce lawyer, not your spouse.
Contact Peeples Law About Preparing for Divorce Monday
A Birmingham family law attorney can help you prepare for the busiest day of the year in family court. Contact Peeples Law today to schedule a consultation.