Changing Your Name After Divorce In Alabama

Changing your name when you get married is a big decision, and there is no single right or wrong choice about keeping your last name or changing it. Some women choose to take their husbands’ last names upon marriage in keeping with a custom that has been prevalent in English-speaking countries for several centuries, while others do it to break away from their family of origin and start a new family unit. In some couples, both spouses keep their original last names, to avoid name change-associated confusion in their professional lives, and in others, they both change their names to a new family name for a new family. Of course, if you changed your name when you got married, but now you are getting divorced, you face another decision about what you want your last name to be in your post-divorce life. For help with this and other divorce-related decisions, contact a Birmingham divorce lawyer.
How to Change Your Name When You Get Divorced
If you do not mention anything about changing your name in your divorce petition, the court will assume that, after divorce, you want to continue using the same legal name that you have been using during the marriage. If you married young and your professional career began during your marriage, then keeping your married name only makes sense. Maya Angelou, Susan Sarandon, and Donna Summer are just a few famous women whose famous last names are remainders from marriages that ended in divorce after only a few years.
The simplest way to change your name during your divorce is to include the name change as a provision of your divorce petition. For example, imagine that Rebecca Yellowhammer changed her name to Rebecca Bloggins when she married John Bloggins. If she wants to return to using her maiden name after the divorce, then, in her divorce petition, she should say that she wishes to legally change her last name to Yellowhammer upon dissolution of the marriage. When the court finalizes the divorce, it will state in the court order of dissolution of marriage that, “the wife’s name has been legally changed to Rebecca Yellowhammer.” After this, Rebecca should show a copy of the divorce judgment to the DMV, the bank where she has an account, her employer, and all other relevant parties that need to know about her name change.
The Law Can Tell You to Keep Your Ex-Husband’s Name Out of Your Mouth
Even if a former wife keeps her married last name after the divorce, she does not have the right to use her husband’s name in a way that indicates that the couple are still married. For example, after Rebecca and John Bloggins get divorced, she can sign her name as Rebecca Bloggins, but not as Mrs. John Bloggins.
Contact Peeples Law About Name Change After Divorce
A Birmingham family law attorney can help you revert to your maiden name after your divorce. Contact Peeples Law today to schedule a consultation.